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Originalan tekst - Japanski - 大活躍見せてやる

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: JapanskiBrazilski portugalski

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Poslao xillique
Izvorni jezik: Japanski

Primjedbe o prijevodu
ano de 2009, 大活躍見せてやる!!se Deus quizer!!
É assim que está a frase.
20 srpanj 2009 16:28

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20 studeni 2009 12:59

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
Does this mean:
"I'll be really successful"?

CC: IanMegill2

20 studeni 2009 16:51

Broj poruka: 1671
Well, this is only an approximate translation. The literal one would be:
I'll show you (them? someone? the Japanese has no object) what a great role (a function, involved in some great project, for example) I will play.

20 studeni 2009 17:01

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
So, would you say that this translation is acceptable?

"I'll show how successful I'll be" ?

21 studeni 2009 01:41

Broj poruka: 1671
Yup, that's a closer approximation, anyway!