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Translation - Italian-Ancient greek - Due anime che abitano in uno solo corpo, due cuori che battono come uno.

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: GreekItalianLatin

Due anime che abitano in uno solo corpo, due cuori che battono come uno.
Submitted by petros papadopulos
Source language: Italian Translated by leonardohadad

Due anime che abitano in uno solo corpo, due cuori che battono come uno.

Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!
Δύο ψυχαὶ...δύο καρδίαι
Ancient greek

Translated by alexfatt
Target language: Ancient greek

Δύο ψυχαὶ αἴ ἐν σώματι ἑνὶ οἱκοῦσιν, δύο καρδίαι αἴ ὡς μία σφύζουσιν.
Remarks about the translation
1. "οἱκοῦσιν" or "οἱκεῖτον" (both are correct)
2. "σφύζουσιν" or "σφύζετον" (both are correct)
3. "ὡς μία" or "μιᾶς δίκην" (similar meaning)
2 August 2011 20:10