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133 لغة مصدر تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط". mu les sta ksafnika Mu les sta ksafnika Pos thelis na s' afiso Ke ta onira pu i dio mas Kaname na sviso Na figo thes horis Na se taleporiso Na se ksehaso ke Na min s' akoluthiso Omos ترجمات كاملة ÃŽmi spui dintr-o dată | |
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94 لغة مصدر تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط". Sunt trei Sunt trei luni de când trăiesc un vis din care nu vreau să mă trezesc niciodată. Ai făcut din mine un bărbat fericit." Edits done by pias 080711 Before edits:"unt trei luni de cand traiesc un vis din care nu vreau sa ma trezesc nociodata ai facut din mine un barbat fericit" ترجمات كاملة Sono tre | |
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369 لغة مصدر تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط". 2 INTRODUCTION The resonator is key to the design... 2 INTRODUCTION The resonator is key to the design of an oscillator. The loaded Q determines the phase noise performance of the oscillator. The oscillator frequency will determine to some degree the type of resonator eg At microwave frequencies resonators can be coaxial or microstrip and at low frequencies the resonators are almost always made up of lumped components. This tutorial gives design data for various types of resonator. No comment ترجمات كاملة 2 UVOD Rezonator je kljuÄan za dizajn... 2 TANITIM | |
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