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114 Zdrojový jazyk bate papo In the next scrap you tell me about your online time and then, I'll try to be online at the same time, ok?. Take care, have a nice day. Text corrected from msn style: "in the nxt scrap you tell me about ur online time. and then i ll be try to online at the same time ok. take care have a nice day." Hotové překlady Bate papo Bate-papo | |
334 Zdrojový jazyk Požadavek tohoto překladu je "Pouze význam". O fortuna Velut luna Statu variabilis Semper... O fortuna Velut luna Statu variabilis Semper crescis Aut decrescis Vita detestabilis Nunc obdurat Et tunc curat Ludo mentis aciem Egestatem Potestatem Dissolvit ut glaciem Sors immanis Et inanis Rota tu volubilis Status mulus Vana salus Semper dissolubilis Obumbrata Et valata Mihi quoque niteris Nunc per ludum Dorsum nudum Fero tui sceleris Sors saluti Et virtutis Part of the lyrics from "Carmina Burana" (Carl Orff, 1935)
<edit> "decrecsis" with "decrescis"</edit> (07/06/francky)
Edit by Aneta B.: acien --> aciem michi --> mihi Ombumbrata --> Obumbrata Hotové překlady Oh Destino | |
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122 Zdrojový jazyk Požadavek tohoto překladu je "Pouze význam". Hanc Innocentius constituit ... Hanc Innocentius constituit cryptam ubi campanienses antistites qui nunquam quieverunt in domino quiescerent anno reparatae salutis MCMXLIX
Este texto esta localizado na crypta na igreja em Campanha/MG. E uma vista que fiz la fique fascinado com sua historia.
<edited by Aneta B.> cryptana-->cryptam, ano-->anno.
<edit> with small fonts except where needed, as we do not accept texts in caps anymore on cucumis</edit>
Sorry for the CAPS Hotové překlady Inocêncio fundou esta cripta ... | |
340 Zdrojový jazyk Požadavek tohoto překladu je "Pouze význam". Saluton! Dankon pro via mesagho! Mi nun akompanas... Saluton! Dankon pro via mesagho! Mi nun akompanas brazilan samideanon Silvio en nia urbo... Amike via, Chielismo
=========== Chu vi povas informi detalojn pri la mashino, kio interesas vin??
Pri la turismo mi opinias ke ordinaraj turistoj estas malfacile troveblaj, cxar la vojo estas tro malproksima. Eble ni povos grupigi iujn entreprenistojn...? Bonan sabaton kaj dimancxon.?
=============== Hotové překlady Saudações, obrigado por sua mensagem. | |
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