Cele două cluburi ar fi ajuns deja la un acord în privinţa sumei de transfer, aflată undeva pe la 1.200.000 de euro. Astfel, 'Dady' este aşteptat mâine seara alături de impresarii săi la Bucureşti pentru a negocia durata şi suma contractului. Dacă totul va decurge normal, masivul atacant va face, la rândul sau, deplasarea în Olanda. l Eduard Zelgin
After Golanski and Pulido, Steaua is very close...
The two clubs would have already got to an agreement about the transfer sum, which is around 1,200,0000 euro. So tomorrow evening, 'Dady' together with his managers will negotiate the duration and contract's sum. If all goes well, the massive striker is having his turn to go to Holland.|Eduard Zelgin
It is "is waited" not "is waiting" and I would say "together with his managers". And instead of "forward" I believe it should be used "striker" (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_%28soccer%29_positions). I would have said there. in the end: "If everything goes well, it's the turn of the massive striker to go to Holland".