Cucumis - निशुल्क अन्-लाइन अनुबाद सेवा
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अनुबाद - तुर्केली-अंग्रेजी - Yetinmeyi bilir misin, Sana verdiði kadarýyla...

अहिलेको अवस्थाअनुबाद
यो हरफ निम्न भाषामा उपलब्ध छ: तुर्केलीअंग्रेजी

Category Song - Arts / Creation / Imagination

Yetinmeyi bilir misin, Sana verdiði kadarýyla...
بحرينيद्वारा बुझाइएको
स्रोत भाषा: तुर्केली

Yetinmeyi bilir misin,
Sana verdiði kadarýyla hayatýn?
Hoþ, bilsen de bilmesen de
Yara bere içinde bu yollardan geçeceksin

Kazanmayý isterdim, kaybetmeyi deðil
Ama olmadý yar
Kendini kayýrýyor her insan önce
Bu yüzden aþka kýyar

Giderim, alýþýðým gitmelere
Direndi bu can ne bitmelere
Giderim, alýþýðým gitmelere
Gerek yok isyan etmelere
अनुबादका लागि चाहिन सक्ने थप जानकारी
this is a song i'd like to have a transelation for it , thank you

singer:Iþýn Karaca
song name : Yetinmeyi Bilir misin?

Do you know how to be content

enigma_rद्वारा अनुबाद गरिएको
अनुबाद गर्नुपर्ने भाषा: अंग्रेजी

Do you know how to be content with
things life gave you?
Well, whether you know, or you don't
you will pass through these roads,
being wounded...
I wish I have won instead of losing
but it wasn't like that darling,
Every person firstly cares for himself,
even sacrificing the love...
I am going, I got used to this.
This soul resisted so many ends,
I am going, I got used to this,
there is no need to rebel...

Validated by lilian canale - 2008年 जुन 20日 23:21

पछिल्ला सन्देशहरु


2008年 जुन 20日 12:30

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 953
merhaba enigma
i had some suggestions...

Well, whether you know, or not
i had won
i am leaving
so many farewells

2008年 जुन 22日 03:46

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 953
wish i have not bothered to write...

2008年 जुन 23日 11:20

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1
hey how are ya ?

sorry for the late reply

any way go ahead what are your suggestions