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Translation - Arabic-English - ترجمات أخرى:الورم العجائبي الورم العجيب الورم...

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กลุ่ม Explanations - Health / Medecine

ترجمات أخرى:الورم العجائبي الورم العجيب الورم...
Submitted by Una Smith
Source language: Arabic

ترجمات أخرى:الورم العجائبي
الورم العجيب
الورم المسخوم
Remarks about the translation
The Arabic text is remarks about a translation here, English -> Arabic, of "teratoma".

Another translations.Queer tumor, surprise tumor,tumor..

Translated by ronikurdi
Target language: English

Other translations: queer tumor
surprise tumor
bad tumor
Validated by kafetzou - 26 June 2007 04:59



22 June 2007 15:08

จำนวนข้อความ: 22
Did you conduct any references in the course of your translation?

I am interested in knowing whether these translations are from reputable sources or not.

A surprise tumor really surprises me!


-Fawzi Sdudah

22 June 2007 15:38

Una Smith
จำนวนข้อความ: 429
The Arabic text is not mine; the text is comments in Arabic made by the translator of one of my own texts from English into Arabic.

How would you translate "teratoma" into Arabic?

22 June 2007 23:46

จำนวนข้อความ: 22
I see...

When I looked up the term teratoma, I did not notice any direct correlation to meaning of the Arabic text.

According to Merriam Webster's, teratoma is "a tumor made up of a heterogeneous mixture of tissues". So where is the surprise?

If I were to translate the meaning then I would go to [English to] medical Arabic dictionaries.

I have not compiled a list of specialized Arabic dictionaries because there was no reason for me to do so. Arabs are lagging behind, online. In case of English you would find lots of cool stuff, such as

-Fawzi Sdudah