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30Dịch - Arabic-German - ↓ الفشل ↓

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Nhóm chuyên mục Word - Education

↓ الفشل ↓
Submitted by marhaban
Source language: Arabic

↓الفشل يعلّم النّجاح↑
Remarks about the translation

↓ Das Versagen ↓

Translated by marhaban
Target language: German

↓ Das Versagen lehrt Erfolg ↓
Remarks about the translation
Das ist die wörtliche Übersetzung. Es gibt ein deutsches Sprichwort, das dasseblbe bedeutet: "Aus Schaden wird man klug"
That's the literal translation. There's a German proverb meaning the same: "Aus Schaden wird man klug"
Validated by Francky5591 - 20 Tháng 12 2010 00:22

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26 Tháng 11 2006 11:49

Tổng số bài gửi: 1
Das Versagen.
I don't know any arabic. But "Versagen" definitely needs the article "das".

26 Tháng 11 2006 14:39

Tổng số bài gửi: 220
Thank you very much, it's corrected. (I've also added a comment.)