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Original text - Sweeds - En man kan bara slippa undan sitt gamla jag enom...

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En man kan bara slippa undan sitt gamla jag enom...
Text to be translated
Submitted by kungtarzan
Source language: Sweeds

En man kan bara slippa undan sitt gamla jag genom att se ett nytt jag avspeglas i en kvinnas ögon
Remarks about the translation
en tattooering
30 March 2010 03:58

Last messages


19 May 2010 19:44

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Won't it be too much if I ask you the one more? You know, I like you!!!

CC: pias

19 May 2010 20:18

Number of messages: 8114
Not too much to ask Aneta... but this one is not an easy one. I'll try: "A man can only escape from his old self by seeing a new self in the mirror of a woman's eyes."

can you please confirm? xx

19 May 2010 20:18

Number of messages: 8114
CC xx

CC: lenab

19 May 2010 20:19

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
But I understand it very well, dear. Thank you so much!

19 May 2010 20:20

Number of messages: 1084
I couldn't have expressed it better myself!!

19 May 2010 20:23

Number of messages: 8114
I'm proud (hihi)

19 May 2010 20:26

Number of messages: 1084
You should be!!

Jag godkände den andra, men tog bort ett s först i

19 May 2010 20:28

Number of messages: 8114
Det var nyckfeltrisses fel.

19 May 2010 20:32

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Yes, it was GREAT, Pia!!!
Just translated!

Thanks both of you, girls!