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422 زبان مبداء Slagali smo se kao pravi mali tim. Bili smo u... Slagali smo se kao pravi mali tim. Bili smo u poseti Evropskom Parlamentu gde smo saznali mnogo vise o samoj Evropi. Imali smo rucak zajedno sa ambasadorom Srbije pri Belgiji kada smo mogli da razgovaramo sa njim. Poseta Atomium-u bila je takodje veoma zanimljiva. Tu smo kupili suvenire i imali prilike da gledamo skoro citav Brisel sa velike visine. Posebno mi se svidela poseta starom gradu Brizu, sa svim tim velelepnim i ogromnim starijim zgradama i mirisom cokolade i vlage u vazduhu. ترجمه های کامل Nous étions une vraie petite équipe... | |
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725 زبان مبداء این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد. Please don't do this. You're making ... Please don't do this. You're making a mistake. You said I'm the only one who really cares for you. You said you have no reason not to come back to me and everything will be perfect, we'll get jobs, we'll move, and go on that holiday. Why give me my dreams back just to take them away again? Why love me when you're here, just to take it away? Chat with me soon - I'm so lonely. You're all I have - what to do with your bunny? If you don't come back, I won't be able to pay bills, I won't have a place to live, I'll have nothing. When I'm with you, I don't need anything. You know how much I care about you - I even gave you money to look after yourself and I have none to look after me. I don't care about what I gave you because I'm not like someone else. I care about you and all I have still to give you and no-one else, because I will always love you. original: please dont do this.ur making a mistake.u said im the only 1 who realy cares for u.u said u have no reason not to come back to me and everythin wil be perfect,we get jobs,we wil move and go on that holidaywhy give me my dreams back just to take them away again?why love me when youre here,just to take it away?chat with me soon,im so lonely.your all i have wat to do wit ur bunny?if u dont come back i wont be able pay bills,i wont have a place to live,il have nothing.when im wit u i dont need anything.u know how much i care about u,i even gave u money to look after urself and i have none to look after mei dont care about what i gave u cause im not like someone else.I care about u and all i have stil to give u and no one else because i wil always love u ترجمه های کامل Nedaryk to... | |
85 زبان مبداء Положи менÑ, как печать, на Ñердце твое, Положи менÑ, как печать, на Ñердце твое, Как перÑтень, на руку твою: Ибо крепка, как Ñмерть, Любовь... Would be great if this poem could be translated in a poetic way ترجمه های کامل Mets-moi, comme une empreinte, sur ... aÅŸk Ponme en tu corazón Imprint me on your heart | |
114 زبان مبداء Hvat var tað fyri nakað? Hvat var tað fyri nakað? MÃn telda má stillast inn, hon koyrir seinari enn tann seinasti rullivognurin à býnum. Ups! Gloymdi eg eitt tekn? Before correction: hvat vær tad fyri naka. mìn telda mà tunast, hon koyrir seinri enn tei seinasti rolatorin ì bynum. ups gloymdi eitt ?tekn ترجمه های کامل Hvad var det for noget? | |
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