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Translation - Dutch-English - Het verloopt alleen helaas allemaal niet erg...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: DutchEnglishPolish

Category Letter / Email - Love / Friendship

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Het verloopt alleen helaas allemaal niet erg...
Submitted by beatrix1309
Source language: Dutch

Het verloopt alleen helaas allemaal niet erg soepel bij S.
Remarks about the translation
E-mail od kolegi Holendra. Pisał, że jedzie do Hiszpanii (właśnie jest w pociągu) na 2 tygodnie, a później napisał to zdanie właśnie.

[British English]

Unfortunately, things just aren't running very smoothly...

Translated by JW
Target language: English

Unfortunately, things just aren't running very smoothly at S.
Remarks about the translation
Unfortunately, it just isn't going that well at S.

What he's saying is that things/affairs/business aren't going as smoothly/efficiently/well as desired. It's quite a negative statement.

"at S" could also be "in S" or "with S", depending on what 'S' is.
Validated by Lein - 9 August 2011 12:31