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希腊语 Σε λιγο θα μπω στο λαπ
Σε λιγο θα μπω στο λαπ

英语 I will turn on my lap soon
法语 Dans la corne de l'Afrique, la sécheresse est-elle la première cause de la famine?
Quatre millions de personnes sont là-bas sur les routes à la recherche de la nourriture. C'est vrai qu'il y a la sécheresse, les récoltes détruites, les guerres tribales, des états désorganisés, ruinés. Dans n'importe quel pays, face à la pénurie, on constitue des réserves alimentaires. Eux ne peuvent pas se les payer. Pourquoi? Parce que les grandes banques et leurs fonds spéculatifs engrangent des bénéfices astronomiques en faisant flamber les prix du blé, du riz et du maïs.
Propos de Jean Ziegler au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive", rapportés par un quotidien régional français

英语 Is the drought the main cause of starvation in the Horn of Africa?
巴西葡萄牙语 No chifre da África a seca é a causa primeira da fome?
西班牙语 ¿Es la sequía la principal causa del hambre en el Cuerno de África?
意大利语 Nel corno d'Africa, è la siccità la prima causa della fame ?
德语 Ist die Trockenheit der Hauptgrund für den Hunger am Horn von Afrika?
希腊语 Είναι η ξηρασία η κύρια αιτία για την πείνα στο Κέρας της Αφρικής;
荷兰语 Is de droogte de hoofdoorzaak van de honger in de Hoorn van Afrika?
瑞典语 Är torkan den primära orsaken till svälten pÃ¥ afrikas horn?
丹麦语 sult
土耳其语 Somali Yarımadası'nda açlığın ana sebebi kuraklık mı?
西班牙语 Hola, preciosa. Ya veo que te ...
Hola, preciosa. Ya veo que te olvidaste de mí... pero no importa, yo siempre me acuerdo de ti. Espero te encuentres bien.
El ángel de la montaña.
Text corrected.
Before: "Hola precisa ya beo que te olvidaste de mi...¡¡¡ pero no importa yo sienpre me acuerdo de ti.. espero te encuentres bien.. besos .... el angel de la montaña .. " <Lilian>

巴西葡萄牙语 Oi, linda. Já vi que você...
土耳其语 Sana beni sorarlarsa beni detaylı anlatma...
Sana beni sorarlarsa beni detaylı anlatma "ömrümün geri kalanı dersin"

英语 If they
俄语 если спросят
印地语 हम तुम्हें चाहते है ऐसे जैसे मरने ...
हम तुम्हें चाहते है ऐसे जैसे मरने वाला कोई जिंदगी चाहता हो जैसे

prosze przetlumaczcie mi to na polski albo angielski (brytyjski)

<edit> Before edit : "Hum tume chate ha ase jase Marne walla koi zindgi chahta ho jaise"<edit> Thanks to drkpp who provided us with the version in devanagari from this text.

英语 Hindi to English
阿拉伯语 الى من كنت احبها (Ø®) نور الشمس...
الى من كنت احبها وكانت اعز امنياتي
الى من كانت اغلى واجمل انسان في حياتي
الى من سلبت مني افراحي وضحكاتي
الى من سببت حزني ومعاناتي
الى من تركتني مطعون القلب باكياً في ساحاتي
غدرتي بي! وانا باضعف حالاتي
ورحلتي عني وانا انظر اليك اصارع سكاتي
تركتيني اموت وحيداً اعاني سكراتي
فلا تظني اني اليوم اشكي اليك جراحاتي
بل اكتب كي تصل اليك عتاباتي
وارجو بأن لا تؤثر بك دمعاتي
وارجو بأن لا تتعاطفي مع حكاياتي
واعلمي أن صفحي ماكان الا نزوة من نزواتي
فسيريني الله فيك ويلات أشد من ويلاتي
وساسعد لانكسارك سعادة تدوم طول حياتي
وان قت لك يوماً ساحبك حتى مماتي
ها انا اقول لك اليوم لاتستحقين كلماتي

法语 À celle que j'aimais trop
波兰语 Witam.Szanowny Panie bardzo mi jest wstyd że ktoÅ›...
Witam.Szanowny Panie bardzo mi jest wstyd że ktoś kto współpracował z moją
firmą został oszukany.Wydaje mi się że Pan K..... ma duże kłopoty
finansowe będę chciał Panu zrekompensować poniesioną stratę.Proszę mnie
powiadomić czy do chwili obecnej nie otrzymał Pan urządzenia, K.....
odbierał z Zakładu dwukrotnie urządzenia dla Pana.Pozdrawiam

英语 Complaint response letter
意大利语 Risposta alla lettera di reclamo
拉丁语 Obligatio externa est, cum homo, cuius voluntas...
Obligatio vero duplex est, alia interna quae oritur ex conscientia periculi naturalis ex ordinatione potentiae primae et aeternae necessario operantis ut evitari non possit, vel lucri ex natura rei etiam necessario profluentis; et externa, quae oritur ex metu et sepulcri et periculi incerti ab arbitrio humano dependentis, quod astutia fore elidi vel alio modo evitari
Text von Christian Thomasius

<edit> "spelucri" with "sepulcri"</edit> (thanks to the translator's notification.)

德语 Eine zweiseitige Verpflichtung
土耳其语 Fakat,aradığın herÅŸeyi orda bulamazsın.
Fakat,aradığın herşeyi orda bulamazsın.Ayrıca,satıcılar Türk;yani onlara güvenebilirsin.Hem,Kıbrıs'tan istediğin herhangi bir şeyi senin için temin edebiliyorlar.Benim çok iyi arkadaşlarım oldu.Bazen paketlerden sürpriz hediyeler de çıkabilir.Biz zamanında onlar için canımızı bile verdik.
şehit vermek anlamında.

英语 But you can't find everything you look for...
土耳其语 Poz vermek için özellikle o yeri seçtiklerini...
Poz vermek için özellikle o yeri seçtiklerini sanmıyorum.

英语 I don't think they...
法语 Les organisations internationales sont donc impuissantes?
En quelques années, le programme alimentaire mondial a perdu la moitié de son budget, qui n'est plus que de 3,2 milliards. Les pays riches ne cotisent plus. Ils doivent sauver leurs banques. C'est à dire les spéculateurs.
La lutte contre la faim dans le monde passe après. J'appelle cela un crime contre l'humanité.
Propos de Jean Ziegler, recueillis par un quotidien régional français, au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive".

英语 So, are international organizations powerless?
意大利语 Le organizzazioni internazionali sono dunque impotenti?
希腊语 Τελικά είναι ανίσχυροι οι διεθνείς οργανισμοί;
西班牙语 ¿Entonces las organizaciones internacionales son impotentes?
德语 Die internationalen Organisationen sind also machtlos?
巴西葡萄牙语 Então as organizações internacionais são impotentes?
瑞典语 Är internationella organisationer maktlösa?
荷兰语 Dus, zijn internationale organisaties machteloos?
丹麦语 SÃ¥ er internationale organisationer magtesløse?
罗马尼亚语 OrganizaÅ£iile internaÅ£ionale sunt deci neputincioase?
保加利亚语 Безсилни ли са международните организации?
波斯語 بدین سان، آیا سازمان های بین المللی ناتوان هستند؟
俄语 Международные организации бессильны?
汉语(简体) 国际组织是无能的吗?
挪威语 Er Internasjonale organisasjoner maktesløse?
土耳其语 Yani uluslararası organizasyonlar güçsüz mü?
罗马尼亚语 Mărturisire: ÃŽnainte ca eu să ajung la Biserica...
Mărturisire:Înainte ca eu să ajung la Biserica Universală viaţa mea era un dezastru: situaţie financiară distrusă, familia distrusă, aveam gânduri de sinucidere, consumam alcool, eram singur.
Şi eu am primit o invitaţie de la o lucrătoare de la Biserica Universală ca să particip la slujbele de vineri, dar problema era că eu nu înţelegeam nimic din ce spunea preotul pentru că vorbea în spaniolă, şi eu nu cunoşteam limba. Eu mergeam la slujbe şi am simţit o atingere specială, ceva ce eu nu am simţit niciodată în viaţa mea.
Admin's note : This translation request is to be released on October the 1st.

before edits: Marturisire:Inainte ca eu sa ajung la Biserica Universala viata mea era un dezastru. Situatie finaciara distrusa , familia distrusa , aveam ganduri de sincidere , consumam alcool , era singur.
Si eu am primit o invitatie de la o lucratoare de la Biserica Universal ca sa particip la slujbele de vineri , dar problema era ca eu nu intelegeam nimic din ce preotul spunea pentru ca vorbea in spaniol si eu nu cunosteam limba . Eu mergeam la slujbe si am simtit o atingere speciala ce eu nu am simtit niciodata in viata mea./Freya

英语 Confession: Before I learned about Church
西班牙语 Confesión: Antes de conocer la Iglesia
土耳其语 yapmış olduÄŸum araÅŸtırmad tarafınızdan ödenmeyen...
yapmış olduğum araştırmada tarafınızdan ödenmeyen faturalar aşağıdadır.

英语 invoices
土耳其语 HerÅŸeyi bildiÄŸini zanneden ergenlerle uÄŸraÅŸmaktan...
Herşeyi bildiğini zanneden ergenlerle uğraşmaktan çok sıkıldım.

英语 I'm tired of strggling with...
法语 Ma chère et tendre Maria, Je te souhaite un...
Ma chère et tendre Maria,

Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire et plein de bonheur.
Même si ce message est en retard de deux jours, cela ne m'empêche pas de te souhaiter un bel avenir en tant que journaliste internationale, et de trouver l'amour, à savoir un grand norvégien musclé sur lequel tu fantasmes tant
Bref tout ça pour dire que j'espère que cette année de tes 21 ans te sera bénéfique et que tu y trouveras beaucoup de bonheur.

Gros bisous ma Maria favorite .
J'ai pensé souhaiter l'anniversaire d'une amie Italienne qui parle peu français, et ça lui fera très plaisir, j’espère que vous pouvez le traduire au plus vite, ça serait super sympa :D

意大利语 Buon Compleanno!
土耳其语 ve ben çok zaman sonra anladim senin bile...
ve ben
çok zaman sonra anladim
senin bile gidebileceÄŸini
Translation to English Britsh or American

英语 and I
英语 Millennium Development Goals
Millennium Development Goals
Since the signing on to the Millennium Development Goals, South Africa has pledged to accomplish the targets by the year 2014. The policy environment of the country incorporates the MDGs tacitly while the over‐arching constitution has greater coverage for human dignity in the context of South Africa. However, the constitution has no timeframe for the realisation of these targets. The MDGs mitigate or break the Constitutional silence on timeframe and facilitates a national review of policy effectiveness and introduce reforms to achieve the goals.

Publications were made on the level of achievement of the MDGs in Burkina Faso as part of the monitoring towards the UN review in September. A weekly private news paper ‘’L’OPINION” and the national news paper “SIDWAYA” meaning the “truth is there” have published the document, which will continue as part of an ongoing accountability and MDG monitoring process.

On September 17th 2010, GCAP Uganda organized a High Level Pre-MDG Summit Colloquium that brought together different stakeholders within the framework of the Global Call to Action against Poverty to demand that governments recommit themselves to the promises they made on the MDGs in 2000. The meeting was organised to precede the special UN Summit on MDGs in New York where Uganda was to be represented. The objective of the Colloquium was to provide a platform for stakeholders to reflect on Uganda’s progress to achieve the MDGs, the challenges/obstacles, opportunities; and more importantly what must be done to meet and exceed the goals particularly in the next five years.

At the start of the month of March 2010, GCAP Kenya in collaboration with the African Monitor conducted a series of poverty hearings in Kenya. These political events include the UN MDG summit as well as the AU leaders’ summits; the hearings would give the grassroots people an opportunity to speak out and in turn enrich the advocacy work of the campaigners during the build up campaign work to the events.

The hearings focused specifically on employment and were held in the areas of Isabinia, Kitengela and Mwiki. At the hearings, testimonies from the masses dispelled the political statistics given by the government. The testimonies really tied peoples’ voices and faces to the progress given on development by the government and showed the contrast between the statistics and the reality on ground. During the hearings, people urged government to positively respond to their situation through creation of realistic loan schemes that will enhance employment creation and eventually improve on their lives.

西班牙语 Objetivos del Desarrollo del Milenio
瑞典语 Modet är livets sanna mÃ¥tt
Modet är livets sanna mått
Texto cita tomada del Filósofo Kierkegaard.

西班牙语 El coraje es la única medida de la vida.
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