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32原始文本 - 阿拉伯语 - انا احبك Ùˆ اشتقت اليك كثيرا انا بحاجة لك

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讨论区 句子 - 爱 / 友谊

انا احبك و اشتقت اليك كثيرا انا بحاجة لك
提交 mayadahq
源语言: 阿拉伯语

انا احبك و اشتقت اليك كثيرا
انا بحاجة لك
2007年 一月 28日 09:36



2008年 十一月 18日 12:28

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Hi Jaq,

Could you please check if the English version for this text is correct?
It seems that the Spanish version is quite different. One of them must be wrong.

Thanks in advance.

CC: jaq84

2008年 十一月 18日 13:49

文章总计: 12396
Right! the Spanish translation that was done was erroneously accepted (nearly one year ago) so I rejected it and the Spanish version is to be resumed but correctly this time! .

2008年 十一月 18日 19:05

文章总计: 568
"I love you and I missed you so (much)
I need you"
I've just checked the English version and it's OK.

2008年 十一月 18日 19:47

文章总计: 568
but it didn't pay attention to the tense in "miss you"

2008年 十一月 18日 20:05

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Thanks jaq, we have already fixed the Spanish version.