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翻訳 - ボスニア語-英語 - Svi macici su vec odavno zaspali zagrljeni jedno...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: ボスニア語英語

カテゴリ 自由な執筆 - 愛 / 友情

Svi macici su vec odavno zaspali zagrljeni jedno...
原稿の言語: ボスニア語

Svi macici su vec odavno zaspali zagrljeni jedno pored drugog.Ostalo je budno nasladje od njih-ono upravo cita ovu poruku za laku noc.
molim americki dijalekt

All of the kittens ...

翻訳の言語: 英語

All of the kittens have already fallen asleep side by side embracing each other.The sweetest of them stayed awake - it is reading this good night message just now.
最終承認・編集者 cucumis - 2009年 2月 16日 18:35



2009年 2月 14日 14:00

投稿数: 40
"upravo" - "properly"?

2009年 2月 14日 14:20

投稿数: 148
What else could it be alternatively? :-/

2009年 2月 15日 17:58

投稿数: 7963
I'm wondering about the verb tenses - why would you have past perfect tense in the first part and simple present in the last part? My suggestion:

All of the kittens have already fallen asleep side by side embracing each other. The sweetest of them stayed awake - it is properly reading this good night message.

I think I agree with zakeralo - "properly" doesn't sound right here. But I don't know Bosnian, so I can't make an alternative suggestion.

2009年 2月 15日 18:13

投稿数: 148
Bosnian doesn't have 'present perfect tense'.They were all past tenses except for the last one.It's unknown whether the cat does this every time or not.So,i couldn't decide which one to use in the last part,continuous or simple present Now I'll edit it as you've suggested.Instead of 'properly',there's 'just','timely','plunk','right' in the dictionary :-/

2009年 2月 15日 18:15

投稿数: 148
I think,'just' is alright if we make it continuous.

2009年 2月 15日 18:21

投稿数: 7963
"just" might be OK, or what about "right now"?

In English, the past perfect tense (had fallen) is used for something that happened before another thing: "The kittens had already fallen asleep when I turned off the light." The present perfect tense is used in a case like the one above.

As for the tense for the kitten reading the message, from the context this is just once, not every night.

2009年 2月 15日 18:22

投稿数: 7963
zakeralo, do you think this translation is correct now?

CC: zakeralo

2009年 2月 15日 18:26

投稿数: 148
Yes,I thought the first thing happened earlier.Just because they were 'both' past tenses,I made the first one 'past perfect'.As for the last sentence,if it were 'upravo sada',it'd be 'right now'.'Sada' means 'now'.Should I change it,anyway?

2009年 2月 15日 18:32

投稿数: 7963
How about "just now"? If you use "just" by itself, it means "only".

Just to clarify, the past perfect tense is not used for something that happened earlier - it's only used to compare two things that happened in the past, when one happened before the other.

2009年 2月 15日 18:33

投稿数: 7963
Alternatively, can you give me a list of possible meanings of "upravo"? That way I could pick one that would work in this translation.

2009年 2月 15日 18:45

投稿数: 148

*upravo sada:just now
*upravo tako:just like that,just so

Also,there's an adjective 'pravi' and it means 'real,proper,true,thorough'.

2009年 2月 15日 23:18

投稿数: 614
upravo -in this moment,just now

2009年 2月 15日 21:42

投稿数: 148
It's correct now! Thanks

2009年 2月 17日 01:36

投稿数: 40
i agree, it is correct now sorry for the late answer

2009年 2月 17日 04:44

投稿数: 7963
Ah - it looks like jp accepted it before I had a chance to - I don't know why, but it's fine with me.