Umseting - Rumenskt-Enskt - beznaNúverðandi støða Umseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum:  
Bólkur Orðafelli - Útbúgving  Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". | | | Uppruna mál: Rumenskt
1. Nu se afla pe acolo nici Å£ipenie de om. 2. N-a miÅŸcat nici un deget ca să mă ajute. 3. Nimeni nu miÅŸcă când vine ÅŸeful în inspecÅ£ie. 4. Nu e în stare să omoare nici o muscă. 5. Era o beznă de nu vedeai la un pas. | Viðmerking um umsetingina | |
| | | Ynskt mál: Enskt
1. There was no living soul there. 2. He didn't move a finger to help me. 3. No one moves when the boss comes inspecting. 4. He can't kill a fly. 5. It was so dark you couldn't see a foot before. |
Síðstu boð | | | | | 24 Juni 2012 17:09 | | | In sentences 2 and 4 it isn't specified whether it's about a male or a female, there isn't any pronoun at the beginning, so it depends on the context. They are all different idioms, emphasis on darkness, emphasis on negation. |