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10Vertimas - Švedų-Anglų - Jag mÃ¥ste gÃ¥ vidare utan dig, du hör aldrig av...

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Šis tekstas išverstas į šias kalbas: ŠvedųAnglųTurkų

Jag måste gå vidare utan dig, du hör aldrig av...
Pateikta missjossie
Originalo kalba: Švedų

Jag måste gå vidare utan dig, du hör aldrig av dig, jag gråter över dig dag efter dag. Kan inte göra så här mot mig själv. Jag måste gå vidare. Hoppas du förstår.
Pastabos apie vertimą
till en kille som jag delat en hel del med.

I have to move on without you,

Išvertė pias
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Anglų

I have to move on without you, you never keep in touch, I cry because of you day after day. Can't do this to myself. I have to move on. I hope you understand.
Validated by lilian canale - 2 spalis 2008 01:24

Paskutinės žinutės


1 spalis 2008 21:18

Žinučių kiekis: 3
The part with I'm crying over you, day after day. Needs reworking and another expression might be suitable. There needs to be an 'I' In the Can't do this to myself sensense as well. The rest is ok.

1 spalis 2008 21:59

Žinučių kiekis: 8114
Hello cristallic,
thank you for the input. I think that since there is no "I" in the original, I can skip it in the translation. What about to write: "I'm crying every day over you". Better?

CC: cristallic lilian canale

1 spalis 2008 23:08

Žinučių kiekis: 3
Hello Lilian Canale^^
Personally I wouldn't use 'over you' if I wanted to sound really good. Perhaps something in style with Day after day I cry for you, I cry for you every day. Something like it. Have a good evening.

1 spalis 2008 23:27

lilian canale
Žinučių kiekis: 14972
Hi girls,

What about:
"I cry because of you everyday"?

If that conveys the meaning, it sounds better to me.

1 spalis 2008 23:28

Žinučių kiekis: 8114

2 spalis 2008 10:38

Žinučių kiekis: 3
That works fine.^^ I like it. Or pehaps the past tense will give a more "I'm over you now" feel to it. "I have been crying because of you every day." But in the end we could give examples untill infinity so chose one that you see fit.

2 spalis 2008 10:49

Žinučių kiekis: 8114
The source text is in present, so I think the target shall also be ...