I need someone to clear up this meaning. I *think* it says something "did those two meet / bump into each other? YOU have to think of a good answer" or "did those two meet / bump into each other? *I* have to think of a good answer" but I can't tell if it's "you" or "I" or if this is entirely incorrect!
Did those two people meet each other? Have to think of a good answer.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
The verb "deau" has the meaning of a casual, not planned meeting, so "bump into" might work here. I didn't suggest a subject for the second sentence because I don't know the context for these two sentences. There might be a third possibility for "deatta" here, but again, without the complete context, I don't want to guess.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af Lein - 13 September 2013 10:27