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Traducció - Portuguès brasiler-Anglès - Tudo é relativo quando te fazer feliz me faz.

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Categoria Col·loquial - Amor / Amistat

Tudo é relativo quando te fazer feliz me faz.
Enviat per carolbergamaschi
Idioma orígen: Portuguès brasiler

Tudo é relativo quando te fazer feliz me faz feliz.

Everything is relative when making you happy makes me happy.

Traduït per Una Smith
Idioma destí: Anglès

Everything is relative when making you happy makes me happy.
Darrera validació o edició per kafetzou - 24 Maig 2007 14:22

Darrer missatge


24 Maig 2007 06:42

Nombre de missatges: 7963
I changed "relative" to "related". "Everything is relative" has a different meaning, I think, like that what you perceive as love may not be what I perceive as love based on our different situations. It sounds a bit negative.

24 Maig 2007 09:49

Nombre de missatges: 115
Everything is relative when making you happy makes me happy.

24 Maig 2007 11:10

Nombre de missatges: 118
I think the right word is relative too...

24 Maig 2007 12:20

Nombre de missatges: 2247
I think it would be the word related if it was a comparison, like: everything is related to something...

24 Maig 2007 14:20

Nombre de missatges: 7963
Actually, Borges' suggestion makes the word "relative" OK. I'll change it and accept it. Thanks everyone!

25 Maig 2007 11:53

Nombre de missatges: 849
I did a Greek translation but I am still not sure I got the meaning right. All is relative. When is all relative? Answer When the act of making you happy is making me happy. Is that it? Or are we talking about TWO sentences? a) All is relative. FULL STOP b) When making you happy I make myself happy.

25 Maig 2007 12:27

Nombre de missatges: 545
I think you got ... cause I see it the right meaning like an answer for that question
>> When is all relative? <<
Answer: When the act of making you happy is making me happy.

26 Maig 2007 21:18

Nombre de missatges: 849
Thank you Menininha, this text got me really confused!