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Traducción - Portugués brasileño-Latín - Todo mundo mente

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Todo mundo mente
Propuesto por Hildao
Idioma de origen: Portugués brasileño

Todo mundo mente

Omnia mentiuntur

Traducido por Menininha
Idioma de destino: Latín

Omnia mentiuntur
Última validación o corrección por Porfyhr - 23 Agosto 2007 17:49

Último mensaje


23 Agosto 2007 15:31

Cantidad de envíos: 793
I think the Latin expression "omnia" is equal to "the whole world", "everybody", "everyone" etc.
and it becomes tautological to say "Omnis mundus", I would have excluded "mundus" as it isn't a geographical expression.

23 Agosto 2007 16:37

Cantidad de envíos: 3706

I was talking with Menininha in PVT. I helped her with this one, but I just found that "to lie" in Latin is one of that annoying deponent verbs, "mentior". Therefore, for the good of the game, the translation should be corrected to "Omnia mentiuntur".

Thank you (and excuse us),

24 Abril 2010 17:38

Cantidad de envíos: 12396
Hi Aneta!

Why did you ask an dmin to check this page?

CC: Aneta B.

24 Abril 2010 18:03

Aneta B.
Cantidad de envíos: 4487
Ooops, maybe I should have called an admin for that page first, but actually the problem concerns only this one. Sorry Francky!