Mi predlažemo: -Organizovanje vorkÅ¡opa u Sarajevu, - regionalni kurs za postdiplomce, -fakultet u Sarajevu dao prostor na raspolaganje sa infrastrukturom, a Institut posjeduje i licencu. - Ono Å¡to nije definisano su predavaÄi i finansijski okvir. - Mi predlažemo dvodnevni termin kursa 21.6. i 22. 6. na fakultetu.
We suggest: - Organizing a workshop in Sarajevo, - a regional course for postgraduates, - university in Sarajevo that gives use of space with infrastructure, and the Institute owns the license. - What is not defined are lecturers and financial frame. - We suggest a two-day course 21. 6. and 22. 6. at the university.
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către kafetzou - 14 Mai 2007 05:16
I notice someone changed "university in Sarajevo gave use of space" into "university in Sarajevo that gives use of space with infrastructure, and the Institute owns the license." I understand that this sounds more logical, but for some reason this is not the continuance of the "we suggest". It states that the university has already given the use of space.