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Traduction - Danois-Anglais - Spændende udstilling af brasiliansk kunster...

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Catégorie Lettre / Email - Argent/ Travail

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Spændende udstilling af brasiliansk kunster...
Proposé par andrea.prates
Langue de départ: Danois

Spændende udstilling af brasiliansk kunster i Galleri ArtCorner fra lørdag den 8. marts.
Der er fernisering mellem kl. 11 og 13.

Exciting exhibition about Brazilian arts...

Traduit par pias
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Exciting exhibition about Brazilian arts at the ArtCorner Gallery opening on Saturday, March 8th.
There is a vernissage between 11 a.m and 1 p.m.

Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 1 Avril 2008 06:37

Derniers messages


31 Mars 2008 17:36

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Pia,

Since you translated the name of the gallery, it would sound better backwards, I mean: ArtCorner Gallery. so it would read:
" Exciting exhibition about Brazilian arts at the ArtCorner Gallery opening on Saturday, March 8th."

" There is a vernissage between 11 a.m and 1 p.m."

Is that fine with you?

31 Mars 2008 17:47

Nombre de messages: 8114
Yes ...of course, you are the expert here.

31 Mars 2008 21:53

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
hahaha you want to edit, so we can set it into the poll?

31 Mars 2008 21:59

Nombre de messages: 8114