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Lingua originale
Spagnolo Oraciones cotidianas mexico
Vive honestamente
No dañes a otro
Dale a cada quien lo suyo
Verbs changed into imperative in order to meet Cucumis' rules. <Lilian>

Traduzioni completate
Greco Καθημερινές προσευχές Μεξικό
Lingua originale
Greco Να ζήσετε ευτυχισμένοι....
Να ζήσετε ευτυχισμένοι, χαρούμενοι και παντα ερωτευμένοι! Σας ευχόμαστε αγάπη, υγεία και υπέροχες στιγμές σε όλη σας τη ζωή! Συγχαρητήρια!

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Che siate felici...
22Lingua originale22
Francese Autre sujet de colère de votre livre : les biocarburants
Ils participent à l'augmentation des prix des denrées de base. L'an dernier, les Etats Unis ont "brûlé" 138 millions de tonnes de maïs pour en faire du bioéthanol. Un plein de 50 litres de bioéthanol consomme 350 kg de maïs, ce qui ferait vivre un enfant mexicain ou zambien pendant un an.
Propos de Jean Ziegler au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive", recueillis par un quotidien régional français

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Another subject of anger from your book: Biofuels
Portoghese brasiliano Outro assunto irritante do seu livro: Biocombustíveis
Spagnolo Otro asunto enfurecedor en su libro: Biocombustibles
Italiano Altro punto irritante del suo libro: Biocombustibili
Greco Άλλο ένα θέμα θυμού στο βιβλίο σας: Βιοκαύσιμα
Tedesco Ein weiteres Thema der Wut in ihrem Buch: Biokraftstoffe
Svedese Ett annat ämne för ilska i din bok: Biobränslen
Olandese Nog een onderwerp van woede in je boek: biobrandstoffen
Danese majs
Turco Kitabınızın diğer öfke konusu: bitkisel sıvı yakıtlar
Lingua originale
Francese Les organisations internationales sont donc impuissantes?
En quelques années, le programme alimentaire mondial a perdu la moitié de son budget, qui n'est plus que de 3,2 milliards. Les pays riches ne cotisent plus. Ils doivent sauver leurs banques. C'est à dire les spéculateurs.
La lutte contre la faim dans le monde passe après. J'appelle cela un crime contre l'humanité.
Propos de Jean Ziegler, recueillis par un quotidien régional français, au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive".

Traduzioni completate
Inglese So, are international organizations powerless?
Italiano Le organizzazioni internazionali sono dunque impotenti?
Greco Τελικά είναι ανίσχυροι οι διεθνείς οργανισμοί;
Spagnolo ¿Entonces las organizaciones internacionales son impotentes?
Tedesco Die internationalen Organisationen sind also machtlos?
Portoghese brasiliano Então as organizações internacionais são impotentes?
Svedese Är internationella organisationer maktlösa?
Olandese Dus, zijn internationale organisaties machteloos?
Danese Så er internationale organisationer magtesløse?
Rumeno Organizaţiile internaţionale sunt deci neputincioase?
Bulgaro Безсилни ли са международните организации?
Persiano بدین سان، آیا سازمان های بین المللی ناتوان هستند؟
Russo Международные организации бессильны?
Cinese semplificato 国际组织是无能的吗?
Norvegese Er Internasjonale organisasjoner maktesløse?
Turco Yani uluslararası organizasyonlar güçsüz mü?
Lingua originale
Greco antico Οι δε εξεπλάγησαν καί αμφοτέρους επί τόν βασιλέα...
Οι δε εξεπλάγησαν καί αμφοτέρους επί τόν βασιλέα Αρταξέρξην ήγαγον.

Traduzioni completate
Greco Αυτοί εξεπλάγησαν
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Turco merhaba benim adım Ali.Senin adın ne?KAç...
Merhaba benim adım Ali.Senin adın ne?Kaç yaşındasın?
bize 23 nisanda karadağdan çocuk gelecek bunlar basit ve genel cümleler.aslında sözlük var ancak kile alfabesi olduğu için okuyamıyoruz nasıl okunduğunu da parantez içinde yazarsanız sevinirim.

Traduzioni completate
Serbo Zdravo. Ja sam Ali.
Inglese Hi, my name is Ali. What is yours?
Croato Zdravo
Greco Γεια σου
Lingua originale
Inglese I'm thinking about you, my dear.
I'm thinking about you, my dear.

Traduzioni completate
Greco Ι'm thinking about you, my dear.
Lingua originale
Danese Før mig bort!
Før mig bort!
Skal bruges til en dramatisk effekt, hvor personen derefter skal forsvinde på mystisk vis...

English bridge: "Take me away!"

Traduzioni completate
Latino Me aufer!
Lingua originale
Danese Nogle gange er det godt at være lidt skør
Nogle gange er det godt at være lidt skør
Bridge: 'Sometimes it is good to be a bit crazy'/gamine

Traduzioni completate
Latino Aliquantulum demens esse interdum bonum est.
Lingua originale
Portoghese brasiliano "Não há dúvida onde existe fé."
"Não há dúvida onde existe fé."
Há é do verbo haver, sinônimo de existir.

Traduzioni completate
Latino Nullum dubium ubi fides est.
Lingua originale
Inglese When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
"When There is More Beauty in the Contrary", Negar and Salim's single released on 1/1/11, is an oud and electric guitar instrumental. It is a portrayal of ancient east versus modern west.

"Combining traditionally dissimilar forces into one cohesive composition", this song reflects its composers' backgrounds in Persian contemporary and progressive rock genres.
1. "Single" = Sencillo ( )
2. "When There is More Beauty in the Contrary" is the name of a music single. But I would be thankful if the translation of the title could be also provided in parenthesis.
3. Oud is a musical instrument = (Laúd árabe)

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Cuando hay más belleza en lo contrario.
Italiano When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Francese "When there is more beauty in the contrary"
Olandese Als er meer schoonheid is in de tegenstelling
Polacco Gdy Jest Więcej Piękna w Przeciwieństwach
Svedese When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Turco When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Russo Сингл Негара и Салима
Tedesco When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Norvegese When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Danese When there is more Beauty in the Contrary
Ebraico כאשר יש יותר יופי בניגוד
Lingua originale
Inglese Notes on a Music Album #3
In Ustuqus-al-Uss album I somehow inclined to jazz fusion and classic instrumentation. I think the eastern “blend” still dominates e.g. in “Ustuqus-al-Uss-al-Avvalin” which I think is the most progressive song I have ever composed (The second catchy guitar solo is performed by Pouyan). Some songs are extremely personal e.g. “Naught been I thou” which is an off-beat jazzy tune with unusual dance elements... These songs are my utmost fears and hopes - to a degree that made me mute from communicating by words. And thus they become instrumental sounds...
1. The word "progressive" in the phrase "the most progressive tune I have ever made" refers to "progressive rock genre". It means the tune that contains the most "progressive rock" tendencies.
2. "song" and "tune" are synonyms in this text

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Notas sobre el Album #3
Russo О новом альбоме
Italiano Note sull'album #3
Francese Remarques sur l'album de musique n°3
Olandese Over Muziek Album #3
Norvegese Notater om musikk album #3
Polacco Komantarz do albumu muzycznego #3
Svedese Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #3
Tedesco Notizen zum Musikalbum #3
Danese Notater om Musik Album #3
Turco Albüm Hakkında Notlar
Ebraico הערות על אלבום מוסיקה מס. 3
Lingua originale
Danese anerkend mit argument
Anerkend mit argument
"Admit my argument'. bridge/gamine.

Traduzioni completate
Latino Concede mihi
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Greco Η σκέψη σου μου δίνει δύναμη να ζω.
Η σκέψη σου μου δίνει δύναμη να ζω.
σκέψη ως αναμνηση

Bridge by User10: "The thought of you gives me power to live" (thought=memory)

Traduzioni completate
Latino Cogitatio tui vim ad vitam mihi dat.
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