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Traduzione - Inglese-Ebraico - I like you when you are silent

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: SpagnoloIngleseEbraicoArabo

Categoria Poesia

I like you when you are silent
Aggiunto da vanelicious
Lingua originale: Inglese Tradotto da lilian canale

I like you when silent for you seem to be absent
And you hear me far away and my voice can't touch you
I feel your eyes had flown away
and I feel a kiss closed your mouth.
Note sulla traduzione
Wonderful "Poema 15" by Chilean writer Pablo Neruda.

I tried to keep the same lenght for the lines, therefore I had to use some poetic licence.
(Sorry, Neruda.)

אני אוהב אותך שקטה כי נדמה שאינך כאן

Tradotto da sivilization
Lingua di destinazione: Ebraico

אני אוהב אותך שקטה כי נדמה שאינך כאן
ואת שומעת אותי מרחוק וקולי אינו יכול לגעת בך
אני מרגיש שעיניך פרחו ממקומן
וחש כי נשיקה כיסתה את פיך.
Note sulla traduzione
a male addressing a female
Ultima convalida o modifica di milkman - 26 Maggio 2008 09:41