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Prevođenje - Grčki-Njemački - Efcharisto poli, episeis omorfoula! Pistewo na ta poume sintoma! Oneira glyka kai pola filakia!

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: GrčkiNjemački

Kategorija Govorni jezik

Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Efcharisto poli, episeis omorfoula! Pistewo na ta poume sintoma! Oneira glyka kai pola filakia!
Poslao aNNa0000
Izvorni jezik: Grčki

Efcharisto poli, episeis omorfoula! Pistewo na ta poume sintoma! Oneira glyka kai pola filakia!

Vielen Dank, gleichfalls, Huebsche! Ich denke, wir sehen uns bald wieder! Traeum suess, viele Kuesse!

Preveo julia71
Ciljni jezik: Njemački

Vielen Dank, gleichfalls, Hübsche! Ich denke, wir sehen uns bald wieder! Süße Träume, viele Küsse!
Primjedbe o prijevodu
Θα τα πούμε heisst wörtlich "wir werden miteinander reden" und gemeint ist normalerweise "wir sehen uns bald wieder"- so habe ich das hier übersetzt, es könnte aber auch gemeint sein "wir werden bald wieder am Telefon miteinander reden" .
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio italo07 - 30 listopad 2008 21:47

Najnovije poruke


30 listopad 2008 19:49

Broj poruka: 1474
Can I have a little bridge here, please

CC: galka

30 listopad 2008 21:54

Broj poruka: 567
Ι will try
"Thank you very much too, pretty! I believe see you soon. Sweet dreams and many kiss!"

Παρακαλώ πολύ, μπορεί κάποιος που ξέρει καλύτερα να το κοιτάξει εάν είναι σωστό;

CC: irini Mideia sofibu

30 listopad 2008 23:17

Broj poruka: 849

a) the "too" can be a "ditto" there.
b) "omrfoula" is more "cute"
I would go for something like "Thanks you, right back at you cutie/pretty girl! I hope will talk soon (it says "I believe we will be able to talk soon" to be exact). Sweet dreams and many kisses

30 listopad 2008 23:39

Broj poruka: 567
Thank you, Irini