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Originalan tekst - Engleski - Unza Unza Time

Trenutni statusOriginalan tekst
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: EngleskiFrancuski

Kategorija Pjesma - Kultura

Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Unza Unza Time
Tekst kojeg treba prevesti
Poslao Sk4
Izvorni jezik: Engleski

Unza Unza Time
Primjedbe o prijevodu
Desire connaitre al traduction de ce titre de chanson de Emir Kusturica
Posljednji uredio Francky5591 - 28 listopad 2007 18:05

Najnovije poruke


26 listopad 2007 10:49

Broj poruka: 930
I really have no idea how to translate UNZA UNZA TIME Title of the album by Emir Kusturica and No Smoking Orchestra, I'm afraid there is no specific meaning of it... "Unza unza" can be sort of music style which they play (literally spoken in Serbian)...
If anyone can help...

CC: adviye lakil Maski

28 listopad 2007 11:27

Broj poruka: 2132
En France dans les articles qui traite de ce style musical on parle de "unza unza" donc le texte ci dessus se traduirait par "le temps du unza unza" texte de départ en anglais et non en serbe.
Pour en savoir plus vous pouvez lire ceci

28 listopad 2007 11:17

Broj poruka: 930
I don't understand

28 listopad 2007 11:26

Broj poruka: 2132
In France the name of this musical style is as in Serbia "the unza unza" therefore here translation is simply "le temps du unza unza" and the text is in English not in Serbian.

28 listopad 2007 12:20

Broj poruka: 1
Thank You for your help

28 listopad 2007 18:06

Broj poruka: 12396
Thank you turkishmiss!