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Translation - Latin-English - Qui dedit beneficium, taceat; narret, qui...

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Category Sentence

Qui dedit beneficium, taceat; narret, qui...
Submitted by Francky5591
Source language: Latin

Qui dedit beneficium, taceat; narret, qui accepit.

Concedat bellum paci.

Utinam iste tribunus a Quiritibus ne audiretur!
Remarks about the translation
Recenice za prevod.

Be silent he, who gave the benefit...

Translated by alexfatt
Target language: English

Be silent he, who gave the benefit; let him, who was given the benefit, talk.

May war yield to peace.

I wish to heaven that Quirites wouldn't hear that tribune!
Validated by lilian canale - 28 June 2011 14:06