Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Original text - Người Hy Lạp cổ đại - πεπρωμενο φυγειν αδυνατον

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πεπρωμενο φυγειν αδυνατον
Text to be translated
Submitted by kostis053
Source language: Người Hy Lạp cổ đại

πεπρωμενο φυγειν αδυνατον
Edited by Francky5591 - 8 Tháng 4 2010 11:00

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8 Tháng 4 2010 10:02

Tổng số bài gửi: 1173
"Destiny is impossible to avoid". I'm not sure it's acceptable (infinitive).

CC: Francky5591

8 Tháng 4 2010 10:32

Tổng số bài gửi: 12396
Thanks Christina!

But why is that kind of sentence expressed at the infinitive? Is is current in Greek language to do that?

(sorry, my knowledge of Greek language is very close to 0, -apart from "kalimera/kalistera"!-)

CC: User10

8 Tháng 4 2010 10:55

Tổng số bài gửi: 1173
"fygein/φυγείν" (to avoid) is the ancient greek infinitive (infinitive is basic element of ancient greek grammar). This phrase is in ancient greek, if this request is to be accepted the flag must change into ancient greek's flag. (although we use this phrase today regularly).

8 Tháng 4 2010 11:07

Tổng số bài gửi: 12396
Thank you!
Yes, if it is translatable by a sentence that has a conjugated verb, request is acceptable. Moreover I don't think Latin uses infinitive here like Ancient Greek does.
I switched with the Ancient Greek flag then!

9 Tháng 4 2010 11:53

Tổng số bài gửi: 4
θα ηθελα να κσερω αν η μεταφραση τισ προτασησ που υπεββαλα ειναι η ακριβης επειδη προκειται να χρισιμοποιιθει για τατουαζ.ευχαριστω