Olen mies, työssä käyvä ja vapaa-aika kuluu harrastusten parissa. Joskus risteilyllä, ei kaukomatkoja juurikaan.Karaoke-laulajia on kiva käydä kuuntelemassa. Jos sattuu kohdalle rehellinen "oikea nainen", tunnistan varmaan. Reipas, ei turhan perässä juokseva. Olen rauhallinen luonne, en pälättäjä. Pukeudun yleensä rennosti.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
É um texto de uma homem para uma mulher. Preferências pessoais, tipo de relacionamento desejado, algo assim.
I am a male, I have a job and I spend my free time with hobbies.
I am a male, I have a job and I spend my free time with hobbies. Sometimes I go on cruises, very seldom travelling to a far-away country. I like to listen to karaoke singers. If I meet an honest "real woman", I am sure I'll recognise her. Energetic, but not fussing around. My character is peaceful, not babbling. I normally dress casually.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
In Finland "a cruise" normally means a return trip to a neighbouring country (Sweden or Estonia). Energetic=spirited. Not babbling~not talking too much.