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merhaba handdy
"Without you nothing seems to work." iyi ceviremedim galiba. demek istedigi hicbir seyde basarili olamiyor,
evet konusmak tuhaf burda, belki mecazi?(figure of speech) olur sandim.
rash'a mesaj gonderdim: "what does bole mean here?
We're trying to translate it into turkish.
is it speaking like people or more make noise anlami ses cikarmaksa takırdamak filan olurmu?
could you help us here please? we have some doubts about the word "bole". In this translation, "bole" was translated as "to speak". can you explain us what "bole" exactly means there?? "to talk" or "to produce a characteristic sound"??
sadece "işe yaramıyor"dan "olmaz gibi/olmuyor"yi tercih ediyorum cunku "seems to work"e daha yakin, yani
demek istedigi hicbir seyde basarili olamiyor