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190Traduzione - Inglese-Ebraico - Water is a Privilege, a Chance, a Convenience...

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Categoria Vita quotidiana - Istruzione

Water is a Privilege, a Chance, a Convenience...
Aggiunto da nevermore
Lingua originale: Inglese Tradotto da Car0le

Water is everybody's business...

Water is a Privilege, a Chance, a Convenience...
But also a natural resource that has become rarer and rarer...
Let's preserve it! Don't let's waste it!

We thank you for using it sparingly.

Note sulla traduzione
"avec précaution": I translated this expression with the adverb "sparingly" = "avec modération", because I think that's what you really mean. "with caution" wouldn't express your meaning so well.

מים הם פריבילגיה, הזדמנות, נוחות...
Lingua di destinazione: Ebraico

מים הם העסק של כולם...

מים הם פריבילגיה, הזדמנות, נוחות...
אבל גם משאב טבע שהופך נדיר יותר ויותר...
הבה נשמור עליו! בואו לא נבזבז אותו!

אנו מודים לך על שימוש חסכני בו.
Ultima convalida o modifica di milkman - 5 Gennaio 2008 14:05