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Originalan tekst - Francuski - hystèrosalpingographie normale

Trenutni statusOriginalan tekst
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: FrancuskiArapski

Kategorija Zdravlje / Medicina

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hystèrosalpingographie normale
Tekst kojeg treba prevesti
Poslao rahaf
Izvorni jezik: Francuski

hystèrosalpingographie normale
1 kolovoz 2007 17:14

Najnovije poruke


20 kolovoz 2007 10:04

Broj poruka: 793

bridge for you:

Radiological examination of the internal female reproductive organs, normal.

CC: elmota

20 kolovoz 2007 12:04

Broj poruka: 744
Wow, all of that in THAT word? story of a life time in a single word

rahaf, here is the Arabic one here (if i jot it down in translations it would mess up the ratio calculations of future translations :s)
"الفحص الاشعاعي للأعضاء الداخلية التناسلية الانثوية, طبيعي"

20 kolovoz 2007 12:18

Broj poruka: 793
Yes to be quite honest.
Hystero= The uterus; Salpingo= The fallopian tubes and the attachment to the ovaries.

Hyster + Salpinx = female reproductive organs

grafie = radiological visualisation.

Isn't Latin fantastic!