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Translation - Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)-English - 'Gosto das bebidas mais fortes, dos cafés mais...

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This text is available in the following languages: Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)English

'Gosto das bebidas mais fortes, dos cafés mais...
Submitted by kurtlove
Source language: Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

'Gosto das bebidas mais fortes,
dos cafés mais amargos,
das idéias mais loucas,
dos pensamentos mais complexos,
das vitórias mais difíceis,
das festas mais animadas,
das paixões inesperadas,
dos sentimentos mais intensos..
Tenho um apetite voraz pela vida,
um coração bobo e delírios sem noção.
E você pode até me empurrar de um penhasco,
que eu vou dizer: 'E daí? eu adoro voar!'

I like the strongest drinks

Translated by goncin
Target language: English

'I like the strongest drinks,
the bitterest coffees,
the maddest ideas,
the most complex thoughts,
the most difficult wins,
the liveliest parties,
the unexpected passions,
the most intense feelings.
I have a voracious appetite for life,
a fooish heart and senseless delusions.
And you can even push me from a cliff
and I'll say: 'What's up? I enjoy flying!'
Validated by dramati - 20 December 2007 19:43

Last messages


3 January 2008 23:43

Number of messages: 1227
A little late but: fooLish

"e daí?" shouldn't be: what's the matter? or And so what?
Push me off a cliff / or push me over the cliff - doesn't it sound more natural in English?

CC: dramati