.. tarihleri arasinda , yazilim departmaninda , Html, dhtml, css dilleri kullanilarak hazirlanan website uygulama calismalarinda gorev almistir.
Ayni zamanda hazirlanan kodlarin optimize edilmesi ve web standartlarina uygun hale getirilmesi asamalarini da takip etmis ve test calismalarinda bizzat bulunmustur.
from X to X, in the software development department,
from ... to ..., in the software development department, he was employed adapting websites using html, dhtml, and css languages.
At the same time, he followed the efforts to optimize the prepared codes and bring web standards to an appropriate level, and was personally present during test development.
ملاحظاتی درباره ترجمه
This could also be "she" instead of "he" in both instances.
آخرین دارای اعتبار یا ویرایش شده توسط kafetzou - 13 ژانویه 2007 08:48