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167 原稿の言語 この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 Ha te voilà donc... Ha te voilà donc... Plus facilement reconnaissable avec le reste des membres du corps Ton regard est frais ça fait plaisir de te voir comme ça! Des bises à toi, a+
Il n'y a que ceux qui ne font jamais de conneries.. 翻訳されたドキュメント Ä°ÅŸte buradasın | |
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393 原稿の言語 この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 Hello darling! I was very happy to hear you on... Hello darling! I was very happy to hear you on the phone! Hope you are doing well! I told you I am goint to travel to Turkey. We have few trips to Turkey and some to Macedonia and Greece. First I am going to Greece and then to Turkey:) I hope...because we still didn't decide on which trips I am going to be a guide! Well....see you soon...if you are still not married:))) Give my best regards to your lovely family and...to Marmaris:) Kisses from me: Dari 翻訳されたドキュメント Merhaba hayatım! | |