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Translation - Turkish-English - Köpeğini beğendim.Polonya ve yaşadığın yer...

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Köpeğini beğendim.Polonya ve yaşadığın yer...
Submitted by fyildiz
Source language: Turkish

Köpeğini çok beğendim.Polonya ve yaşadığın yer gerçekten çok güzel.Ben de senin gibi kitap okumayı severim.Celtic kültüründen kastettiğin İskoç kültürü mü acaba?Bana okulundan ve ailenden bahseder misin?Görüşmek üzere...

I like your dog a lot. Poland and the place where you live ...

Translated by kafetzou
Target language: English

I like your dog a lot. Poland and the place where you live are really pretty. Like you, I like reading books. The Celtic culture that you mentioned, is it the Scotch culture? Could you tell me about your school and your family? See you later ...
Validated by dramati - 2 January 2008 07:40

Last messages


2 January 2008 04:52

Number of messages: 76
Görüşmek üzere = see you later

2 January 2008 06:44

Number of messages: 972
Well, I looked it up and found the following possibilities for Görüşmek üzere:

See you. It could be: Görüşmek üzere, gene görüşürüz.

See you soon. It could be: Yakında görüşmek üzere

See you later. It could be: Daha sonra görüşmek üzere.

Until we meet again I would assume is the last possibiltiy or til we meet again. According to the essence of the paragraph which one is best? I don't speak Turkish, so I don't really know how to judge this vote against the translation.

2 January 2008 06:56

Number of messages: 7963
I changed it - I guess I was being too literal.