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Translation - Serbian-French - nemoramo sve da se kazemo nije sve...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SerbianFrench

nemoramo sve da se kazemo nije sve...
Submitted by mimine
Source language: Serbian

nemoramo sve da se kazemo

nije sve jednostalno

nemam pravo

nema bolje kad se tako desava
Remarks about the translation
ce sont plusieurs phrases

Nous ne devons pas dire tout ça. Tout n'est...

Translated by turkishmiss
Target language: French

Nous ne devons pas dire tout ça.

Tout n'est pas simple.

Je n'ai pas le droit.

Il n'y a pas mieux quand ça arrive comme ça.
Remarks about the translation
Thank you Roller Coaster
We don't have to say it all. Everything isn't simple. I don't have right. There isn't better when it happens that way. <bridge>
Validated by Francky5591 - 24 March 2008 00:18