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Uppruna tekstur - Enskt - I was very flattered and also a bit saddened to...

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Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: EnsktSvenskt

I was very flattered and also a bit saddened to...
tekstur at umseta
Framborið av julia_frohlich
Uppruna mál: Enskt

I was very flattered and also a bit saddened to hear about julia, but what you guys are doing for her sounds very nice and I'd be more than happy to ask what you´ve requested.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
en del av ett brev.
<edit>"id be" with "I'd be" and "yo've" with "you've"</edit> (12/25/francky)
Rættað av Francky5591 - 25 Desember 2008 01:04