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Oversættelse - Italiensk-Engelsk - Vita mia non so cos'ha il tel....

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: AlbanskItalienskEngelskHollandsk

Kategori Dagligliv - Kærlighed / Venskab

Vita mia non so cos'ha il tel....
Tilmeldt af Willy Patijn
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Italiensk Oversat af Miklovan

Vita mia non so cos'ha il tel. Ti amo pazzamente anima mia. E non preoccuparti. Tu, vita, sei il mio mondo.

My life I don't know

Oversat af gigi1
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

My love I don't know what's wrong with the phone. I love you like crazy my darling. And don't worry. You, love, are my whole world.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
vita, anima are words that lovers may say between them (also a mum towards her kid)
My life I don't know what's wrong with the phone. I love you crazily my soul. And don't worry. You, life, are my world.
-- Ian
Senest valideret eller redigeret af IanMegill2 - 24 Oktober 2007 10:10

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23 Oktober 2007 15:19

Antal indlæg: 1671
Hmmm...I guess we will have to change it to:

My love I don't know what's up with the phone. I love you like crazy my darling. And don't worry. You, love, are my whole world.

And then we can mention in the Remarks under the translation that "love" is literally "life" and "darling" is literally "soul."
The problem is it just feels too unnatural to use the literal translations from the Italian in English...

what's up with the phone
what's wrong with the phone
i.e. what the matter is with the phone?
Or is there another meaning to it?

23 Oktober 2007 15:31

Antal indlæg: 116
Some want the literal translations some others don't.
yeap 'what's up with the phone' means 'what's wrong with the phone'

23 Oktober 2007 15:57

Antal indlæg: 1671
Hmmm...Yeah, it's always a judgement call...
But I guess you'd usually be pretty safe if you put as-close-to-the-original-as-possible natural target language in the Translation box, and then put the literal meaning of the text in the Remarks box...?

Anyway, I'll edit the text and put it to a vote! Thanks!

23 Oktober 2007 15:55

Antal indlæg: 1671
Original form of translation before editing:
My life I don't know what's up with the phone. I love you like crazy my soul. And don't worry. You, life, you are my whole world

23 Oktober 2007 16:02

Antal indlæg: 1910
Without "whole" because there isn't an equivalent written in the original.

24 Oktober 2007 08:54

Antal indlæg: 49
Just one thing I would translate "pazzamente" as "crazily"

24 Oktober 2007 10:07

Antal indlæg: 1671
Yup, these would be more literal, but strange in English, so I guess I'll add the
in the notes, and then validate it...