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38Tłumaczenie - Turecki-Angielski - poem

Obecna pozycjaTłumaczenie
Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: TureckiAngielskiRumuński

Kategoria Poezja - Kultura

Wprowadzone przez Rutebeuf
Język źródłowy: Turecki

Cömertlikte ve yardımda akarsu gibi ol
Şevkat ve merhamette güneş gibi,
Başkalarının kusurunu örtmekte gece gibi ol,
Hiddet ve asabiyette ölü gibi,
Tevazu ve alçak gönüllülükte toprak gibi ol,
Hoşgörüde ise deniz gibi,
Ya olduğun gibi görün, ya da göründüğün gibi ol.

appear as you are or be as you appear

Tłumaczone przez smy
Język docelowy: Angielski

Be like a stream in generosity and succor,
And like the sun in tenderness and compassion,
Be like the night in covering the faults of others,
Like the dead in anger and irritability,
Be like the earth in humility and humbleness,
But like the sea in indulgence,
Either appear as you are or be as you appear.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
ÅŸevkat= ÅŸefkat
tevazu=alçak gönüllülük (synonyms)
earth means "soil" here and
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez IanMegill2 - 25 Październik 2007 12:50

Ostatni Post


24 Październik 2007 23:27

Liczba postów: 1671
Original form of translation before editing:
Be like a stream in generosity and succor,
and like the sun in tenderness and compassion,
Be like the night in covering faults of others,
like a dead in anger and irritability,
Be like the earth in humility and humbleness,
and like the sea in indulgence,
Either appear as you are or be as you appear.
PS: What a beautiful poem!

25 Październik 2007 12:08

Liczba postów: 2481
Yes it is , could you change the "and" to "but" in "and like the sea in indulgence" line IanMegill? This would be better.

25 Październik 2007 12:50

Liczba postów: 1671
Sure, smy! It's done!

25 Październik 2007 14:46

Liczba postów: 2481
Thank you!

11 Styczeń 2010 20:41

Liczba postów: 3769
This poem is from Mevlana (Turkey).