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Traducció - Portuguès-Anglès - Sinto-me trancada e como se não tivesse saída.

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Categoria Pensaments - Nens i adolescents

Sinto-me trancada e como se não tivesse saída.
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Idioma orígen: Portuguès

Sinto-me trancada e como se não tivesse saída.

I feel trapped like I can’t get out

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Idioma destí: Anglès

I feel trapped like I can’t get out
Darrera validació o edició per kafetzou - 22 Maig 2007 04:51

Darrer missatge


19 Maig 2007 15:06

Una Smith
Nombre de missatges: 429
Translation: I feel trapped and as if I have no way out.

I cannot make the translation; it is flagged that it can be translated only by an expert *and* it is flagged "meaning only".

19 Maig 2007 15:14

casper tavernello
Nombre de missatges: 5057
Weird!!! An expert who will have such a hard job.

19 Maig 2007 15:19

Nombre de missatges: 7963
This is kind of strange - I'm an expert, and I could do it, but I can't read Portuguese, so I actually couldn't do it! Maybe I should take your translation and then just give you the points.

19 Maig 2007 15:21

Nombre de missatges: 20
Hi! Her translation is pretty good. I think you should do it, kafetzou.

19 Maig 2007 15:31

Nombre de missatges: 7963
I've asked the original poster to change it to a regular translation.