45 Langue de départ gelados as bolas de gelados devem ser servidas em cone de bolacha Traductions terminées ice cream 冰激凌 | |
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247 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. We are conducting some planning work the future... We are conducting some planning work the future and part of this includes heavy equipment and its use, from your cv I take you can operate a retch? I would be grateful if you could forward me your training certificates for heavy plant vehicles including the retch at your earliest convenience <edit>"conveinence" with "convenience</edit>(11/04/francky) Traductions terminées Bizler 我们æ£åœ¨è¿›è¡Œä¸€äº›æœªæ¥å·¥ä½œçš„规划... | |
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525 Langue de départ [4] [b] NO SINGLE OR ISOLATED WORDS[/b].... [4] [b] NO SINGLE OR ISOLATED WORDS[/b]. Cucumis.org is not a dictionary and will not accept requests for translations of single or isolated words when they don’t form a complete sentence [b]with at least one conjugated verb[/b].
[8] [b]NO VULGAR CONTENT[/b]. Cucumis.org offers free read-write access to all users, including minors and will not accept requests containing offensive vocabulary or swearwords.
[9] [b]OTHER LANGUAGES[/b]. When requesting a translation into a language which is not listed, please [b]specify in the remark field[/b] into [b]WHICH[/b] language you want to have your text translated. Traductions terminées [4][b]ä¸å¾—有å•ä¸€å—è¯æˆ–独力å—è¯[/b]...... | |
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154 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. Я Ñ‚ÐµÐ±Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð»ÑŽÐ±Ð»ÑŽ и забуду... Я Ñ‚ÐµÐ±Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð»ÑŽÐ±Ð»ÑŽ и забуду, Когда в пÑтницу будет Ñреда, Когда выраÑтут розы повÑюду, Голубые как Ñйца дрозда. Когда мышь прокречит кукареку, Когда дом поÑтоит на трубе. Только тогда... Before edit: ja tebja razloublju i zaboudou kogda v patnitsy bydetsreda kogda virostout rozji po vsjoudou golybie kak jaidtsi drozda... kogda mish prokretsit kykareky...kogda dom postaitna trybje...toljiko togda (Sunnybebek) Traductions terminées I will fall out of love with you... Θα σταματήσω να σε αγαπάω | |
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10 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. ΧÏόνια Πολλά! ΧÏόνια Πολλά! Before edits:" Xronia polla!" Traductions terminées Happy Birthday! | |