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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Our twin boys are born on 18th of april. Their...

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Catégorie Lettre / Email - Enfants et adolescents

Our twin boys are born on 18th of april. Their...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par bumblebee
Langue de départ: Anglais

Our twin boys are born on 18th of april.
Their names are:



The boys and mother are fine!
Commentaires pour la traduction
Kyle is pronounched as Keil

Ryan is pronounched as Reiun or Rijun

This message will be sent to male and females
28 Avril 2008 11:40

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28 Avril 2008 11:55

Nombre de messages: 3706
Should we keep this one?

CC: lilian canale Francky5591

28 Avril 2008 13:13

Nombre de messages: 12396
If it is just to notify these twin babies were born to friends (eg in Jordan, Israel and India), no problem for me. But the request into Latin would be rejected then.

NB : gender of the addressees hasn't got anything to do with the text the way it is told above

28 Avril 2008 13:52

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
It's OK by me.