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Translation - Greek-English - Prolavenis na thelionis mexri ston 1 iuliou, mora...

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Category Chat

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Prolavenis na thelionis mexri ston 1 iuliou, mora...
Submitted by Alex.mihaescu
Source language: Greek

Prolavenis na thelionis mexri ston 1 iuliou, mora mu? Ke ne pas na tros kati, entaxi?
Remarks about the translation
Imi pare rau dar nu pot da nici o alta informatie in plus pt a va putea fi de ajutor. Imi este complet straina greaca.Va multumesc anticipat!

Will you manage......

Translated by lenab
Target language: English

Will you manage to finish before the 1st of July, baby? And go eat something, ok?
Validated by lilian canale - 18 June 2009 15:48

Last messages


17 June 2009 00:32

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
finnish (from Finland) ---> finish (end)

17 June 2009 10:10

Number of messages: 1084
Ha ha!! Thanks !!