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Vertaling - Vietnamees-Engels - anh nho em nhieu lam...uoc gi em dang o day voi...

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: VietnameesEngels

Categorie Liedje - Liefde/Vriendschap

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
anh nho em nhieu lam...uoc gi em dang o day voi...
Opgestuurd door Mattan
Uitgangs-taal: Vietnamees

anh nho em nhieu lam...uoc gi em dang o day voi anh.
anh muon co em ben canh va hat cho em nghe nhung luc anh boun anh muon cuoi em lam vo TINA a.
Details voor de vertaling
I'm not sure what this text is about, but i think it's something about love or a song/poetry.
I'm sorry i don't have any ´,` or ^ (appostrophes)in the text but this is how i got it.
thank you!

Love Message

Vertaald door LillyBilly
Doel-taal: Engels

I miss you a lot... I wish you were here with me. I want you next to me and sing songs to you, whenever I am sad. I want to marry you Tina.
Details voor de vertaling
Male talking to female. No punctuations made me have to guess a bit.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lilian canale - 6 april 2008 23:33

Laatste bericht


3 april 2008 03:35

lilian canale
Aantal berichten: 14972
Hi LillyBilly

Please remove the parenthesis from the text and in the remarks field you explain that it's a man talking to a woman, OK?

The last sentence looks weird to me.
"I want to marry you so bad, my wife Tina"

He says he wants to marry his own wife???

in any case it should read "so badly"

3 april 2008 05:22

lilian canale
Aantal berichten: 14972
"I want you next to me and sing songs to you"
doesn't sound well.

"I want you next to me to sing songs to you"
"I want to have you next to me and to sing songs to you"

What do you think?

4 april 2008 16:56

Aantal berichten: 972
The English as it now stands is fine as long as it is faithful to the original. Please put it up to a vote.