To put it shortly we might say ...ja hyvät seisomapaikat.
...ja seisomapaikka (tietyllä) hyvin sijaitsevalla alueella
or something...
To me allocate here gives an idea that it could be printed on the ticket like Area A. Perhaps there are several categories of areas where people stand and now you get access to one category (or even denominated, specific area) from which there is a very good view = exclusive.
(Sometimes exclusive = VIP, but I don't think it is this time)
I think yksinomainen is used in an abstract meaning normally. I am not happy with erityinen either but cannot come up with a better one. Tietty or even erikoisalue could be used too. Sometimes we have to admit that we are not perfect...
I definitely wouldn't say that I'm perfect. This sentence was definitely a difficult one to translate into Finnish, yes, eksklusiivinen is used when talking about clubs (as in nightclubs), as far as I know, which is why I tried a different word.