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Prevod - Hebrejski-Engleski - גם אזוב קיר שנפלה בו שלהבת, יכול להפוך לפרימדונה...

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Ovaj prevod zahteva "Samo značenje".
גם אזוב קיר שנפלה בו שלהבת, יכול להפוך לפרימדונה...
Podnet od Audhild
Izvorni jezik: Hebrejski

גם אזוב קיר שנפלה בו שלהבת, יכול להפוך לפרימדונה בצלופן


Preveo fatsrir
Željeni jezik: Engleski

even a hyssop that has been burnt, can become a prima donna in cellophane.

Napomene o prevodu
the meaning of the sentence has three options:
1)even someone which is weak and meaningless that is in trouble can deny or be choosy about the help someone else offers him because of his arrogance.
2)even someone weak and meaningless that is in trouble can still think his better then anyone else.
3)even someone which is weak and meaningless that is in trouble can still refuse the help if it doesn't completely fulfill his expectations.

ok, in the Babylonian talmud (one of the jewish Scriptures), there is a sentence which is part of a eulogy, that Bar Kipok gives over the death of Rabbi Ashi (i don't know who those people are, and it doesn't matter), the sentence says: "if the cedars is burning, what will the hyssops do?".
now a cedar is a strong tree, and hyssop is a bush that catch fire very easily.
so the meaning is: if a strong tree like the cedar catches fire, what will a weak bush like the hyssop do? or in real life - even, if the great is in trouble, how can the weak esacpe it?

so the sentence you wanted translated, uses the original "hyssop" analogy in congestion or inclusion with another analogy.

i hope that helped, i can further explain it, if i knew what was the situation, that led to the analogy you wanted translated.
Poslednja provera i obrada od lilian canale - 29 Novembar 2008 11:41

Poslednja poruka


22 Novembar 2008 01:54

Broj poruka: 38
מה המשמעות של המשפט בעברית בכלל?
אני לא מבין את האנלוגיה או המטאפורה פה...

22 Novembar 2008 14:47

Broj poruka: 20
I am sorry - i don't read hebrew yet. Please write your question in english.

22 Novembar 2008 15:06

Broj poruka: 38
i tried translating it to english per your request.
but i don't understand the analogy or the metaphore. it doesn't make any sense...


22 Novembar 2008 18:04

Broj poruka: 20
ok. I was so curious what it ment...I know he wrote it like that so I wouldn't be able to translate it... That's probably on purpose. Do you think you can make a litterate translation and post it privately to me? Thanks a million for your help.

22 Novembar 2008 22:18

Broj poruka: 20
תודה לך
And thank you for all the effort you made!

28 Novembar 2008 21:23

Broj poruka: 257
Well done fatsrir!!
Very comprehensive.