Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

Tafsiri - Kideni-Kiingereza - Vold

Hali kwa sasaTafsiri
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo: KideniKiingereza

Category Thoughts

Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Tafsiri iliombwa na plt84
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kideni

For nylig har en undersøgelse vist, at det kun er halvanden procent af befolkningen, der risikerer at blive overfaldet i løbet af et år. Det er halvt så mange som i en tilsvarende undersøgelse fra 80’erne.
Risikoen for at blive udsat for vold fra én, man ikke kender, er faktisk ret lille. Når det endelig sker, går det ofte udover unge. For ældre, som normalt er mere bekymrede end de unge, er risikoen minimal, men eksperterne mener, at myten om den stigende vold er skadelig for ældres livskvalitet.
Maelezo kwa mfasiri


Ilitafsiriwa na lenab
Lugha inayolengwa: Kiingereza

Recently an investigation has shown that it's only one and a half percent of the population that risk being assaulted during a period of a year. That is half as many as in an earlier investigation from the 80's.
The risk of being a victim of violence from someone you don't know is quite small. When it finally happens it often falls upon young people. For the older people, who normally are more worried than the young ones, the risk is minimal but the experts mean that the myth about increasing violence is harmful to older people's quality of life.
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na lilian canale - 28 Agosti 2008 04:04

Ujumbe wa hivi karibuni


27 Agosti 2008 18:11

Idadi ya ujumbe: 4611
Hi LENAB. A real good translation. congratulations.

27 Agosti 2008 18:35

Idadi ya ujumbe: 1084

28 Agosti 2008 02:41

Idadi ya ujumbe: 1670
tilsvarende = similar

28 Agosti 2008 10:19

Idadi ya ujumbe: 1084
Tack Anita! Jag ändrar!

28 Agosti 2008 10:20

Idadi ya ujumbe: 1084
Det gick inte! Men det stämmer ändå,eftersom den var från 80-talet.