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Tekst oryginalny - Turecki - sensizlik gibi cokmesin dunyama.

Obecna pozycjaTekst oryginalny
Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: TureckiBułgarski

Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
sensizlik gibi cokmesin dunyama.
Tekst to przetłumaczenia
Wprowadzone przez vasi_s
Język źródłowy: Turecki

Sensizlik gibi çökmesin dünyama.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
Thanks to Bilge who provided us with a proper version of the source-text with all its diacritics. :)
Ostatnio edytowany przez Francky5591 - 7 Czerwiec 2011 22:48

Ostatni Post


4 Czerwiec 2011 10:26

Liczba postów: 38
Hi, Turkish characters weren't used.

4 Czerwiec 2011 10:46

Liczba postów: 12396
Hi! Thanks angelsrolls!

Please could you provide us with a proper version?
Just post it here, I'll copy-paste it in the text frame.

4 Czerwiec 2011 10:58

Bilge Ertan
Liczba postów: 921
Hi all

I have corrected the text, it is grammatically OK now but it is a bit meaningless. There's no subject in the sentence, I am not sure if it can be translated well.

CC: Francky5591

4 Czerwiec 2011 13:28

Liczba postów: 38
Hi, Bilge Ertan;

I've searched it. Most probably, vasi_s wanted to write "sensizlik 'karanlık' gibi çökmesin dünyama" but she forgot "karanlık".

4 Czerwiec 2011 20:55

Bilge Ertan
Liczba postów: 921
Thanks for searching it. You are really trying to help us, it is great. But s/he is not Turkish that's why s/he can't give us any exact answer. It seems s/he does not speak English so I am not sure if s/he could understand us. Maybe it would be better to add the word karanlık to the sentence.

Francky, do we have the permission to do this? I'd love to translate it to you but I am not sure if I can, it is a bit difficult.

CC: Francky5591

7 Czerwiec 2011 01:37

Liczba postów: 12396
Sorry Bilge, I'm only noticing your post now.
Yes, sure, I'll release this text after your "<edit>+karanlık</edit>"

CC: Bilge Ertan

7 Czerwiec 2011 17:22

Bilge Ertan
Liczba postów: 921
Oh I can't do this When I try, it says "The size of the text must not exceed 40 characters" What does this mean

7 Czerwiec 2011 22:54

Liczba postów: 12396
I can't either. This text was already translated into Bulgarian, and this number of characters concern is related to a ratio between languages on

I'll release this request now that you edited with the proper diacritics, but I'll leave it in "meaning only".

Thank you for the edit Bilge!