'''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule produced in the developing [[embryo]] and [[fetus]]. Blood tests to measure AFP have two main applications: (1) in pregnant women, as a screening test for some kinds of [[congenital malformation]] and (2) in adults and children, as a [[tumor marker]] for some kinds of [[tumor]].
Notas sobre a tradução
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'''Alfa-fetoproteiini''' ('''AFP''') on molekyyli...
'''Alfa-fetoproteiini''' ('''AFP''') on molekyyli, jota muodostuu kehittyvässä [[alkiossa]] ja [[sikiössä]]. AFP:n pitoisuutta mittaavilla verikokeilla on kaksi pääasiallista käyttötarkoitusta: (1) raskaana olevilla naisilla seulontakokeena, jossa etsitään eräitä [[synnynnäisiä epämuodostumia]] ja (2) aikuisilla ja lapsilla [[merkkiaineena]] eräistä [[tuumoreista]].
Notas sobre a tradução
I (and the doctor in pathology I consulted) suggest "merkkiaineena" (marker substance) to be suitable for translating "tumor marker". "tuumori" is any kind of not normal lump. Often used word is "kasvain" which could be either benign or malign but points already to neoplasm or cancer. My consultant suggest also to use "certain" instead of some kinds of" in the original.
Última validação ou edição por Maribel - 15 Abril 2007 16:34