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Traducción - Inglés-Latín - Life is just one day

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Life is just one day
Propuesto por Ricciodimare
Idioma de origen: Inglés

Life is just one day

Vita unus dies est.

Traducido por alexfatt
Idioma de destino: Latín

Vita unus dies est.
Última validación o corrección por Aneta B. - 22 Abril 2012 16:36

Último mensaje


21 Abril 2012 00:19

Aneta B.
Cantidad de envíos: 4487
Vita solum unus dies es.


21 Abril 2012 15:14

Cantidad de envíos: 1538
Oh. Isn't "unus" already implying "solum"? I was taught so

21 Abril 2012 19:53

Aneta B.
Cantidad de envíos: 4487
You probably thought about "solus", Alex. Didn't you? This one has an implied "solum" indeed, but, however, "solus" wouldn't work for the sentence.

21 Abril 2012 20:06

Cantidad de envíos: 1538
Uhm, I am a bit confused.

I seem to remember that unus was never used as an indeterminative article (like in Italian) because the bare noun, for instance dies, could mean both "the day" and "a day". So they used unus only when they wanted to underline singularity, for instance when they wanted to say "only one day" - "just one day" - "merely one day" - "one day and no more".

Have I lived until now with such a wrong belief?

21 Abril 2012 20:30

Aneta B.
Cantidad de envíos: 4487
To some extent you are right, dear. This rule works for instance in a sentence like
"Te unum amo" - I love only you.

But I don't think it could work here. If it could, how would you say in Latin: "Life is one day"?

Ok, let's ask Efylove's opinion.


CC: Efylove

21 Abril 2012 20:38

Aneta B.
Cantidad de envíos: 4487
But if you don't like: Vita solum unus dies est. I believe there is one more option possible:

Vita singulus dies est.

"Singulus" - single, only one

21 Abril 2012 20:38

Cantidad de envíos: 1538
I wrote "es" instead of "est"!

21 Abril 2012 20:39

Cantidad de envíos: 1538
We pointed out the same error at the same time!!

21 Abril 2012 20:48

Aneta B.
Cantidad de envíos: 4487
I made the same mistake in my first post!

Well, that happened because I had copied your version first and then I added "solum". Hadn't noticed that "es" before! Hahaha!

22 Abril 2012 09:42

Cantidad de envíos: 1015
Hi dear Aneta & alex!
I agree with alex about the use of "unus" as "only one".
For example, our friend Cicero writes: "Itaque ille unus dies ... tantae mihi iucunditati fuit ut ...". In Quintilianus you can also find: "Tota vita hominis unus dies est".
Hope it helps!

22 Abril 2012 16:35

Aneta B.
Cantidad de envíos: 4487
Thanks Efee!
You're right, we certainly need to follow our friends Cicero and Quintilianus.

Can you see, Alex? I can be wrong too.

22 Abril 2012 17:04

Cantidad de envíos: 1538
I can as well!